Tips: if you want to stop hair loss

Habits, food or genetics are some factors for which we suffer hair loss. However, we tell you some tips to prevent it.

Hair loss is less frequent in women as compare to men. It is a natural process that appears over time, in some earlier than in others.

However, there are many solutions to stop hair loss. Here we will tell you about it.

Are you one of those people who have noticed that your hair is falling out more and more frequently? So, we recommend that you follow the following tips to stop this problem.

Hair loss

During our youth life, we can lose 50 to 80 strands of hair daily. This occurs because the life cycle of each is 2 to 7 years. Once this cycle has been completed, each hair follicle prepares to form a new hair within approximately three months.

Poor nutrition, some diseases and treatments, nervousness, stress, hormonal changes, and genetics can be one of the reasons for hair loss.

Some external agents, such as hot climates, chemicals, dryers, and irons, also contribute to this problem.

After the fall, new thinner hair is formed, with a shorter life cycle. When falling, the same process happens until the follicle closes completely and they no longer grow.

Effective tips for Hair Loss

1. Massage the scalp

It is the simplest thing you can do to prevent hair loss. This does not entail any economic expense. Only if you wish, you can do it by applying almond oil or any other essential oil.

Daily scalp massage promotes blood circulation and activates the function of the hair follicle. Besides, it is a relaxing technique.

2. Rub onion juice

Rub onion juice on the scalp before bed and let it act overnight. Remove it in the morning with a good wash to avoid the smell. Preparing it is very simple.


  • 1 onion
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • To start, in a blender mix 1 peeled onion with the equivalent of a glass of water. Blend for several minutes until there are no lumps.
  • It also works with garlic and ginger juice. The preparation of both garlic and ginger is equal to that of onion juice. Use only one juice at a time, do not mix them.

3. Rinse with potato water

Another option that can help in to treat hair loss is the water or juice of potatoes and rosemary. It is very economical and simple to prepare. You can wash your hair with it without needing to rinse it again.


  • 3 potatoes
  • Rosemary leaves (to taste)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • Cut the potatoes into slices. In a pot, mix them with the rosemary leaves and boil them in a liter of water. Strain the preparation and let it stand.
  • Wash your hair as usual and use this mixture as a rinse at room temperature every day. The number of ingredients will depend on the length of your hair.

4. Apply aloe vera

Juice of aloe vera and coconut oil will also help in strengthen your hair.


  • 1 leaf of Aloe Vera
  • 3 drops of coconut oil


  • To start, take an Aloe leaf, peel it to extract the crystal and wash it very well.
  • Next, in the blender process the glass with three drops of coconut oil. Then, once a homogeneous mixture forms, apply it from the root to the tip.
  • You can substitute coconut oil for olive or almond oil, as per your preference. Do not worry about the bad smell of Aloe vera, because the oil good smell will hide it.
  • Finally, repeat the application once a week.