5 natural remedies to repair battered hair

Do you want to look healthy and shiny hair? In addition to improving your life habits, you can try some natural remedies that help repair it. Discover some options.

To repair battered hair you need, above all, patience. No product (chemical or natural) can offer an instant result, no matter how much you affirm it. And although they can offer some improvement at the moment, only their constant use and the implementation of various care will help achieve the desired goal.

Since hair is one of the most striking attributes of people, it is important to know how to take care of it to look good. Next, we will recommend 5 natural remedies to repair battered hair. 

5 remedies to repair battered hair

Whether from excessive dyeing, inappropriate shampoos, irons, or even sun rays, hair can deteriorate. Two of the most characteristic features of this problem are lack of brightness and dryness. Additionally, this is accompanied by weakness.

On the other hand, as a study published in Dermatology Practical & Conceptual points out, the deficiency of some nutrients can lead to damage to the hair structure and problems of excessive hair loss.

So, before trying any treatment, you have to review habits and food, trying to reduce exposure to those factors that damage the hair. From this, then, we can try some external products to revitalize it. In this case, we reveal some natural alternatives.

1. Avocado, honey and egg mask

Avocado is a food rich in essential nutrients. According to information in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, it provides proteins, fatty acids, minerals and antioxidant substances, such as vitamins C and E. For this reason, it is our main ingredient in this hair mask.

On the other hand, as compiled by a publication in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, honey is a source of proteins and amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, minerals and other minor components that provide dermatological benefits. Thus, combined with avocado and egg, it helps us to show revitalized hair.


  • 1 avocado
  • 3 tablespoons honey (30 g).
  • 1 egg yolk


  • First, you must mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
  • Make sure that the paste resulting from the mixture is homogeneous.
  • Apply the mixture throughout the hair after shampooing it.
  • Leave on for thirty minutes. Then, remove with plenty of cold water.

2. Olive oil and mayonnaise cream bath

Natural oils of plant origin are beneficial products when it comes to repairing damaged hair. Olive oil, in particular, contains healthy fats that help moisturize and seal hair cuticles.

In this case, we combine it with mayonnaise and egg to obtain a more complete home treatment. You can use it twice a week for best results.


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (10 g).
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise (20 g).
  • 1 egg (60 g).


  • Mix mayonnaise and oil in a bowl.
  • Next, incorporate the egg. Stir well to integrate everything.
  • Apply the mixture on clean hair and leave for twenty minutes.
  • Then, remove the mixture with plenty of water.

3. Egg yolk and olive oil mask

Dry and damaged hair tends to split when trying to untangle it. The knots are insufferable and prevent a beautiful mane. But with this mask of egg yolk and olive oil, the knots will leave and also, you can hydrate the hair naturally.


  • 1 egg (60 g).
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil (30 g).


  • Shell the egg and separate the whites from the yolk.
  • In a bowl, mix the yolk with olive oil.
  • Moisten the hair and apply the mixture.
  • Leave on for at least 20 minutes.