Rosemary and nettle treatment for your hair

How to get stronger hair naturally? For this, there are several different home remedies, such as a lotion made with nettle and rosemary. With this, we will strengthen the hair and bring shine.

A leafy and well-groomed mane is synonymous with beauty and good health. Regardless of the hairstyles and cuts that are in fashion, that are healthy hair that stands out and attracts all eyes. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more hair treatments arise. Do you know how to use rosemary and nettle for your hair?

It is painful and negatively affects personal self-esteem the loss of hair. Like its weakening or show a brittle, thin and dull appearance. In general, emotional imbalances can be one of the causes of this situation: the more stress, the more dramatic and severe the ‘falls’ will be.

Likewise, to measure the internal status of the organism, the mane is used. They are indicators of diet quality, as well as nutritional and hydration levels. Sometimes, the way a person treats their hair serves to know if they take care of themselves.

Hair weakening

Scalp abuse is almost always due to everyday actions. Aggressive and constant brushing, excess heat from dryers or uncontrolled exposure to some chemicals are habits with risks to the hair.

Similarly, hormonal imbalances can cause weak and brittle hair. For all this, it is necessary to go to a specialist to carry out treatment according to the situation.

A great solution: rosemary and nettle for your hair

In nature is the secret of the great beauty and health treatments. Also, strengthening your hair with home remedies is a great option to reduce the costs of time and money.

The rosemary is a medicinal plant that serves as invigorating and stimulates circulation. It is excellent for regulating excess fat or sebum. It acts as a moisturizer that strongly influences hair strengthening.

For the prevention of alopecia and large losses of hair volume, nettle is an excellent option. It acts as a natural repairman, promoting hair growth in bald areas. It also has antiseptic, analgesic and regulatory qualities of the circulatory system.

Perfect complement

The combination of both herbs, rosemary, and nettle, is effective for deep hair repair and hydration. However, in situations of alopecia or extreme hair loss, it is always recommended to go to medical experts.

Among the homemade treatments that stand out for their effectiveness in strengthening your hair are the mask of rosemary and nettle. For its preparation requires a bouquet of rosemary and another of nettle.

The procedure consists of two stages. The first thing is to place, for 40 days, the rosemary sprouts in a glass bowl with water, letting it rest in a dark place. When this period is fulfilled, an infusion is created with the nettle. To do this, it is cut into pieces and boiled for 10 minutes.

Once these steps have been completed, it is necessary to mix both elements in a container, adding each of them in equal parts. It is then applied directly to the scalp, gently massaging with the fingertips so that the skin absorbs it deeply. Finally, it is left to act for eight hours, preferably overnight.

The second option of rosemary and nettle for your hair

Another of the widely used hair tonics is the rosemary and nettle mask with honey. For its preparation, it requires two cups of water, as well as leaves of rosemary and crushed nettle, in addition to Ceylon cinnamon and natural honey. Each of these ingredients in proportions of 50 grams.

Water is taken to fire. At the boiling point, the rosemary and cinnamon are added and 10 minutes later the nettle is added. Let stand and, when the preparation is warm, honey is included. Finally, it is placed in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

This natural lotion is applied directly to the scalp, massaging with the fingertips to impregnate the entire skin of the head with the tonic.

The hair is protected with a thermal cap or a plastic bag and left to act for 30 minutes. To remove, rinse with plenty of water. Also, keep in mind that this preparation cannot be stored for more than 10 days.