Your personality is the key to lose weight

Personal trainers say that if they don’t know who you are, a diet can’t work.

The most revolutionary personal trainers of the moment say so. And not only that, they ensure that they can customize each person’s weight goals according to their temperament, their behavior and the things that motivate them in life.

One of them is Jen Widerstrom, an expert in diets and weight training and coach of the NBC program The Bigger Loser. His new book is called Diet Right for Your Personality Type: The Revolutionary 4-Week Weight-Loss Plan That Works for You and promises a diet that works because it is based on the study of the personality of the client.

“Most of the weight loss regimens do not include the individual, if we do not identify who you are, it is impossible that a diet works,” says the coach. She has studied and defined five types of personalities according to the behavior patterns that develop in front of diets and has developed a regime of more than one month based on what works best for each of them.

What are these personalities and which one do we fit best:

The organized entrepreneur. He is a structured person who carries his agenda very well and makes himself ready for everything. They have a very organized life, meet their schedules at length, their diet is usually monotonous and they have a hard time changing habits. The good thing is that if you find a good one for them they will follow it disciplined. They need a diet, explained step by step that leaves no room for improvisation. It should reflect exactly what you have to eat even in each of the snacks and snacks of the day. They just need enough information to draw up a sufficiently strict plan that makes them feel comfortable, safe, and especially with the feeling that everything is under control.

Libertine. It is the soul of the party and the joy of the garden. They sign up for a boot camp or yoga because it’s trendy. They know the name of the gym instructors and each of the clients. They make more social life than muscle toning in the gym machines and need a diet that suits their hectic social life and have a tendency more than marked to skip all types of diet or to change from one to another, depending, of course, on what That at every moment be cool and fun. He needs a regime that gives him a variety of options and gives them the illusion that they are always the ones who decide and choose. Always make them believe that they follow the regime they want (although I don’t know the truth).

The daily heroine. It is those people who are sacrificed, who spend their lives helping everyone and put them in the last place on the list. These people can be found in hospitals, in social canteens, taking care of everyone except themselves. These people have to change priorities and teach them to give themselves a little more importance. The first thing is to subscribe to them to a newsletter so that the personalized health tips will reach your email so that they have no excuses to read them. They usually have full agendas so your weight loss program should be simple and easy to follow. A detailed shopping list with some easy-to-cook dishes that require a minimum of time can get these everyday heroines to start taking care of themselves a little more.

The never-ever. They are intelligent and efficient but tend to deny reality or avoid facing health problems. They get scared because they live in denial and have a hard time assuming, for example, that they need to lose weight. You have to help them fight their fear of failure and create a plan that quickly shows them the advantages and benefits of changing their lifestyle. Each week you have to give them new guidelines and goals so that they don’t abandon the first one and don’t get bored.

The rebel. “It’s a tornado,” as Widertrom describes them. They are chaotic and unpredictable. but once they are metallic nothing takes them out of their final objective. They like to find their way and accept any kind of tutelage or guide, so you have to be very discreet with the changes in eating habits or training that are proposed. To satisfy his spontaneous and impulsive personality, you have to give him some clues but without many obligations, always give them the option of controlling the portions and regulating the meal times. Of course, you need to create some routines and some stability to make your life healthier.