Play Chess Game Online for free – Tips & Tricks

Chess can be described as an abstract strategy game with no personal details. The game is played with a square chessboard comprising 64 squares arranged on an eight-by-8 grid. In the beginning, each player (one playing the white pieces and the one controlling those with black pieces) has 16 elements in play, comprising one queen, one King and two rooks, as well as two knights, two bishops along with eight pawns. The game aims to knock out the opponent’s King. In this game, the King comes under immediate assault (in “check”) with no possibility to escape. There are many possibilities for a game to end with drawing. Play Chess Game Online for free.

How do I play Chess?

Step 1: Start by setting up, turning, and removing pieces

Setup: The board is laid out according to the diagram. There must always be an empty square on the most right-hand edge for both players. Keep in mind that the queen must be in an area that is in line with her colour.

Turns: White always first moves while players rotate. Players can only move one piece at a given time, except for casting (explained in a later article).

The Pieces You Take: Players pick up pieces when they meet opponents in their route. Pawns are the only exception to this. Players are not able to move or take within themselves or their parts.

Step 2: Pawn Movement in Chess

Pawns can only move forward. After the initial move, the instrument can carry up to two spaces, and each subsequent action could be limited to one. Pawns can move diagonally to capture opponents.

Pawn Promotion:If a pawn is on the opposite end of the table, it will be moved to a different piece (except the King). It is unlimited as on the number of pawns that are promoted.

Step 3. Rook

Rooks travel in a continuous line that moves forwards, backwards, and side-to-side.

Step4: Knight

Knights are one of the few pieces which “jump” from the table. In contrast to other pieces, they are not restricted if other parts are in between and their final destination square.

To help you recall how knights move, consider an A. Two spaces in a forward direction, either backwards or side-to-side, and one for the right angle.

Step 5: Bishop

Bishops can move in continuous diagonal lines that can be traced in any direction.

Step 6: Queen in Chess

The queen’s movements are straight diagonal, and continuous lines. From side to side, forward and backwards.

Step 7: King in Chess Game

The King is free to be moved in all directions, just one square at one time.

King cannot move into a square attacked by the opponent.

Step 8: A Special Move Castling

Castling is the sole move that allows two pieces of equipment to move at the same time during a single turn.

In the casting, a king moves two spaces toward the rook it is going to castle with, and then the rook leaps to the opposite side. The King can castle to any side for as long as:

  1. The King is still not moving.
  2. There is no piece between the King’s and the rook’s casting side.
  3. The King isn’t under control.
  4. The King is not moved through or entered check.
  5. The rook on the casting side has not changed its position.

It doesn’t matter:

  1. If the King was under control, however, he is not.
  2. If an opponent’s pieces could hit the rook before casting.

Step 9: Special Move: En Passant

In passing is a specific move designed for pawns who attack the instruments. It is only applicable when your opponent moves a pawn in two spaces, and its final area is next to that pawn. You may take your opponent’s piece by diagonally moving to the square of your pawn that you attacked.

Step 10: Review

King is considered to be in check when a piece of an opponent is in a position where it could threaten the King. The player has to remove their King from the bill, stop the check, or take the piece that is attacking.

A player can’t change their King’s position into check.

 Step 11: Checkmate in Chess game

The King of your opponent in “checkmate” will be your only method to beat them.

If a king is in checkmate, If it’s in check. The opponent’s piece with the king check cannot be taken away. The bill can’t be blocked, and the King can’t move into a square that is not being attacked.

In the illustration, the white queen holds the black King under control. The areas where the King can move are susceptible to attack from the queen. The King cannot attack the queen because the knight is guarding the queen. The black bishop is not able to hinder the queen. This is known as checkmate.

Play Chess Game Online for Free

Tips and tricks for playing the game of Chess

  • OPEN With A PAWN

The pawn should be moved to either the queen or the King two squares in the direction of the queen or King. (Only during its initial move can a pawn advance by two spaces.) This allows your queen and bishop to join the game. They move at an angle and cannot carry out onto the battlefield If pawns get blocked in their path.


Before moving the queen, your rooks, or the King, make sure you move your knights and bishops towards the middle and the centre. You’ll want to pull these pieces from behind the pawns so they can take on the opponent.

  • Be on guard!

When you’re ready, think, “What did my opponent’s last move accomplish? What’s he currently doing?” Is he laying traps to trap your pieces? Decide on your strategy. Be sure to consider all the options. Please look at strategies that can take your opponent’s troops captive or even threaten his King. Make sure to double-check your choices before you begin to play them. Check with yourself, “Does my move leave an area that is not secure?”

  • Don’t waste time while playing the Chess game

Be careful not to play using your pawns, or try to snatch the means of your opponent.

  • “CASTLE” Early

Castling is a technique which allows you to move your King away from danger and also bring your rook into the game. When all squares between your rook and the King have been cleared, it is possible to move your King 2 yards to the right of the rook, and the rook is transferred to the square on the opposite side of the King. If your opponent does not build a castle, you may be capable of launching an attack on the King. The only way that allows several pieces can be moved during a turn.


After you’ve got all your bishops and knights to the table and castled (these moves constitute the “opening”), the middlegame starts. When playing the middlegame, you must look for ways to take down the opponent’s troops. Pick any piece your opponent doesn’t defend. However, consider what would happen to your work if it is taken him – are you going to be snatched away? Always look for ways to get many of your soldiers into positions to strike at the enemy’s King.


You’ll get some pieces from your opponent. Certain parts of yours will be taken. You need to figure out the difference between an acceptable trade. Take these suggestions to determine if you’re making the right choice even if you’re likely to be losing one of them.

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Play with either a computer or a person. Shows the potential moves of each piece.