7 Tips for a flat stomach without diets or exercises

We will not continue to convince ourselves that we can follow the diets and exercises during our holidays, but these simple tips are.

Julio has reached us and the bikini operation stayed halfway. We are not going to propose exercises or diets because at this point we find it more difficult to resist tapas and limit our exercise to walks on the beach.

Special creams, massages, posture corrections … Simple tips that you can follow every day are on the beach or you still have to be in the office.

But there are still tips to follow that do not limit the food we can eat or we will not have to reject a plan to go to the gym. All the tips below are easy to follow and help you reduce your belly while we enjoy these sunny days in the company:

7 tips for a flat stomach:

• Activate the Powerhouse area (abdominal muscles, lumbar, buttocks and pelvic floor) while sitting on the terrace, in the living room while watching TV or if you have to be in the office these days. Thus you correct the posture of the back and activate the belly area helping to give firmness.

• Drink lots of water or any type of drink with benefits such as green tea (you can add ice for a cold tea), infused water, water with lemon and/or mint … It is a good way to help our digestion, clean our body (They are also called ‘detox water’) and practically does not add calories to our diet.

• Find time to go to the bathroom. During the summer we tend to fill our agenda of plans: hang out with friends, trips, visits, dinners … Find a moment a day to sit in the bathroom and avoid constipation.

• Eat slowly: it is proven that waiting 30 seconds between bites by chewing food well, we give time for the body to process the satiety signal, which avoids continuing to eat and helps lose weight.

• It includes probiotics. What are they? Where are they? Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide benefits for the body as they help regulate intestinal transit. We can find it mainly in fermented dairy products, in artichoke, in garlic, and good news: in dark chocolate.

• Leave the gum! Chewing gum causes us to swallow air and cause swelling. If you take them to take your breath away, these are your alternatives.

• Massaging the area with a belly reduction cream and/or a massager can help move and eliminate belly and belly fat and also to reduce inflammation or movement of abdomen and belly fluids.